Monday, November 17, 2008

Way overdue for an update...

Sorry it has taken so long for an update. Now with childbirth classes started David or I or both of us have something going almost every night of the week. I am still working full time. I am getting really tired again like I was earlier in the pregnancy. One enjoyable thing that I have experience from commuting is the sunrises (since I have to travel east in the morning) and the sunsets. Some have been fabulous! If I had only had a camera. We got a scanner, but don't have it completely running yet. Though, we did go to get a 3-D ultrasound and I have a CD of pics. So you will get to see a few of those. We know for absolute sure that it is a girl!!! We are both very excited and a little overwhelmed at the same time. Hope all is well with everyone else and enjoy the pictures! She had a hand and a foot by her face the whole if you are wondering what the other things are.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

It's a....

So we went for our ultrasound a couple of weeks ago now and found out the sex of the baby. We are excited and my mother-in-law was beside herself when she found out the news. I will post pictures as soon as I can. We got to see all of the cute little features of the baby and the baby even kicked me during the ultrasound. I didn't feel it though. So here I am about 21 weeks along and feeling pretty good. I had a little something over the weekend. It has now passed thankfully and we are on to other things. I have bought some maternity clothes and even a pair of bigger scrub pants. A top that has expandable sides too! Anyways, it has been an interesting past couple of weeks.

So it is a GIRL!!!

Monday, September 1, 2008

Funny you say that...

Hello, this is David, and this is my moment in the sun. I have a minute to post some of the funny things that have been said this past week (and past that). Abygale and I were talking, and I said "Did you know your face lights up when you smile?" Abby smiled again, "Really?" "Yes." I answered, with a smile of my own. She started to correct me with "Well, not all the time..." Yes, all the time." I broke in. "It just depends on if it's sunshine or lightning."

These next two Abby wrote down for me so I would not forget.

Last night David got out his ice cream and was waiting for it to thaw. Note about our freezer: even though it is on the recommended setting of 3 - the ice cream still is rock solid. Therefore, we usually have to wait a few minutes for it to thaw. Back to David. He started staring at the ice cream container. I said "What are you doing?" He said "I'm using my psyche powers to thaw it." I laughed and said "Nice try." He said "Wouldn't it be cool if we could thaw it with our eyes?"

A couple of weeks ago, David and I were getting out of the car after our date night - I called for him several times. When he finally got around to my side of the car he said "What is it? Speak." I replied "Ruff." Then told him what I needed.

Other than that bit of entertainment, all I can say is that life is going well and it seems to keep going. Bye.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

So a few small things...

One of the things that was weighing on both of us is that our dryer was down. For the ordinary couple this is not a big deal. The only problem is that with me pregnant...heavy lifting is not such a good idea. So I couldn't do laundry anytime-David had to be there. Now it is fixed and I am so relieved! One thing down...a few more to go. David and I also decided on 3 boy names. I had already had 3 girl names picked out before we got married and David liked them so we are sticking with them. It is time to start buying maternity clothes (somewhat excited). It should be an interesting next couple of weeks!

Monday, August 18, 2008

Deep Breath...

These past couple of weeks have been so hard for me. You know those times when everything goes wrong at once and you don't see the end in sight? I know Heavenly Father is trying to teach me something from this, but all at the same time I feel a little irritated. Not only do I have the pregnant hormones raging through, but then I have these frustrating things happening. Have you ever felt like this? On to some better news...we go for our ultrasound on the 28th-a week from Thursday! David is so excited. I have told him that the baby may not cooperate or the ultrasound could be wrong. That happened to a friend of mine...another day, another story. So for those of you who might be wondering we are doing a Disney themed nursery. Disney princesses if it is a girl and Disney heroes if it is a boy. I told a lady I work with today that I am really hoping for a girl because David and I are having a very hard time agreeing on boy names. Not much else going on...just please keep us in your prayers. (Shouldn't we be praying for each other anyway?) :)

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Engagement/Wedding Pictures Video

Although some of you may have seen my engagement pictures on Facebook already, they were not put to music and presented in this format. Many of you have awaited the wedding pictures so here they are too! Enjoy!!!

Monday, August 4, 2008

Hello and Welcome!

I really wanted to wait to start this blog until we had a scanner and I could post ultrasound pictures. Hopefully that will happen in the next couple of months so you will get to see baby Lucas in all of his or her glory. Though, for now, I will bring you up to speed. David and I were married in the Oklahoma City Temple on December 14, 2007. The day was dreary and very cold, but a happy one. We had to postpone a honeymoon for a later time and come straight to Kansas. Moving away from the area I had lived for the majority of my life was hard and the first few months were rough. After those first few months were over, the thought of having children was a constant thought on my mind. Finally after a couple of months David and I decided to pray about it. We felt it was time to move forward and start a family. Although apprehensive and worried, I knew that this is what Heavenly Father wanted and that he would provide a way for it to happen. A month after we had made the decision, I found out I was pregnant! Again a little scared and apprehensive, but we kept right on going. We moved out of our little hole in the ground less than a month later and are now living in a two bedroom, two bath apartment. I am 16 weeks along and hopefully will find out the sex of the baby at the end of this month! I told David I think I felt the baby move for the first time yesterday- a little kick. It is amazing and wonderful. Just in case you are wondering, this blog is not going to be strictly about the baby. It is as the title says "Adventures in Sunflower and Baby Land" so enjoy!!