Wednesday, September 10, 2008

It's a....

So we went for our ultrasound a couple of weeks ago now and found out the sex of the baby. We are excited and my mother-in-law was beside herself when she found out the news. I will post pictures as soon as I can. We got to see all of the cute little features of the baby and the baby even kicked me during the ultrasound. I didn't feel it though. So here I am about 21 weeks along and feeling pretty good. I had a little something over the weekend. It has now passed thankfully and we are on to other things. I have bought some maternity clothes and even a pair of bigger scrub pants. A top that has expandable sides too! Anyways, it has been an interesting past couple of weeks.

So it is a GIRL!!!

Monday, September 1, 2008

Funny you say that...

Hello, this is David, and this is my moment in the sun. I have a minute to post some of the funny things that have been said this past week (and past that). Abygale and I were talking, and I said "Did you know your face lights up when you smile?" Abby smiled again, "Really?" "Yes." I answered, with a smile of my own. She started to correct me with "Well, not all the time..." Yes, all the time." I broke in. "It just depends on if it's sunshine or lightning."

These next two Abby wrote down for me so I would not forget.

Last night David got out his ice cream and was waiting for it to thaw. Note about our freezer: even though it is on the recommended setting of 3 - the ice cream still is rock solid. Therefore, we usually have to wait a few minutes for it to thaw. Back to David. He started staring at the ice cream container. I said "What are you doing?" He said "I'm using my psyche powers to thaw it." I laughed and said "Nice try." He said "Wouldn't it be cool if we could thaw it with our eyes?"

A couple of weeks ago, David and I were getting out of the car after our date night - I called for him several times. When he finally got around to my side of the car he said "What is it? Speak." I replied "Ruff." Then told him what I needed.

Other than that bit of entertainment, all I can say is that life is going well and it seems to keep going. Bye.