Happy New Year everyone! Wishing you a blessed and happy one! For baby news...I went to the Dr yesterday. I am going to have another ultrasound to check the growth of our daughter. I had one done at 32 weeks and 5 days. Have to make sure she is doing well since I am in the higher risk category. I am already 2 cm dilated, 50% effaced and at a -2. She is still pretty far up there but she is head down and we are thankful for that. I know 2 cm is nothing...could be a while before anything else happens. My doctor told me that I was doing very well considering. He said he might induce in 2 weeks and then said wait...you don't want to be induced do you? I said no. He said we would have to play it by ear. There have been a few hiccups happen here towards the end so we are not fully ready, but will be within the next week or so. Hope everyone is doing well!!!
Instant Pot Sweet Potatoes (Foolproof!)
3 months ago