I really wanted to wait to start this blog until we had a scanner and I could post ultrasound pictures. Hopefully that will happen in the next couple of months so you will get to see baby Lucas in all of his or her glory. Though, for now, I will bring you up to speed. David and I were married in the Oklahoma City Temple on December 14, 2007. The day was dreary and very cold, but a happy one. We had to postpone a honeymoon for a later time and come straight to Kansas. Moving away from the area I had lived for the majority of my life was hard and the first few months were rough. After those first few months were over, the thought of having children was a constant thought on my mind. Finally after a couple of months David and I decided to pray about it. We felt it was time to move forward and start a family. Although apprehensive and worried, I knew that this is what Heavenly Father wanted and that he would provide a way for it to happen. A month after we had made the decision, I found out I was pregnant! Again a little scared and apprehensive, but we kept right on going. We moved out of our little hole in the ground less than a month later and are now living in a two bedroom, two bath apartment. I am 16 weeks along and hopefully will find out the sex of the baby at the end of this month! I told David I think I felt the baby move for the first time yesterday- a little kick. It is amazing and wonderful. Just in case you are wondering, this blog is not going to be strictly about the baby. It is as the title says "Adventures in Sunflower and Baby Land" so enjoy!!