Wednesday, November 24, 2010

On this Thanksgiving Eve...

I am sorry to those who keep checking the blog and there isn't an update. Well, here is one!

It has been an interesting past couple of months. I am thankful for many things, but one is that David is now employed again. That is a definite blessing. The pregnancy has been a hard one. First trimester was worse than with Ana, then came the awful fatigue (thyroid was fine when checked), and now a recurrence of some old medical issues. I have had both of the medical issues before, but not while pregnant. This makes them a little more scary. Tests have been done, medication has been changed, and I am hanging in there. I am grateful for modern medicine that helps to put my mind at ease. I am even more grateful for several Priesthood blessings that have helped me through this difficult time. I am grateful for prayer and for the scriptures. I am grateful for our Savior who understands this and is there for all of our trials of life. I am grateful for my husband who is so supportive and understanding. I am grateful for the smiles and snuggles from Ana. Even though she is definitely approaching two in attitude sometimes, she can still be sweet and loving. I am grateful for a loving family and friends.

This past year overall has presented many challenges for David and I. We have learned to rely on the Lord more, continue to learn that our lives are still not in our control, and that pulling each other close not pushing away helps you through trials. Our marriage has been strengthened. Even though this pregnancy was not a planned one, we are interested to see the challenges that adding a new child (especially a boy) brings to our family. I know that it is going to be work, but the rewards will far outweigh any bad moments.

Ana is growing and is so cute. She is getting teeth in like crazy (including a few molars). This has caused some waking at night, but we are getting through it. She can say the following words now at almost 22 months: mommy, mom, daddy, hello, bye, good-bye, amen, no, mine, yummy which usually comes out ummy and ball. She says here go for here you go and says an interesting "more" as she does the sign for it. She can show you where "her baby" is. I have had some funny responses when I have asked her that question. Sometimes she points to her own belly. One time she pointed to my belly and said "Daddy!" I said "No, Daddy is not in mommy's tummy." I laughed a lot about that one. She loves to sing even though there aren't usually many words with the tune. She is very good at repeating a tune though. She loves to dance. She also loves to try on our shoes and walk around in them. I got a picture with my phone the other day with her in my house shoes. I don't think I will post it as it is ridiculous for what they want to charge you for exporting a picture from this phone. She is a little drama queen at times and can definitely throw at tantrum. She loves to take off her clothes and her diaper. I came back into the living room this morning to find her completely naked and sitting in our snuggler (Big chair for those who aren't aware), holding the remote to the TV and giggling a lot. It was a funny site.

Thanks for reading this long post and hopefully I will get a new one posted before the new baby comes!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Lazy Days of Summer...

Ana loves climbing onto and into just about anything she can manage. The tutu is courtesy of Nana and Papa. The pictures of Ana in the pool are her first time in a pool! She has been one time since and just lazes about in her little raft. There have been A LOT of hot days here and we haven't dared getting out little princess out in the heat. We have made a trip or two to the library. Books for Ana will soon be checked out. She loves to just open a book and "read." She also knows what the hymnal is too. She has opened that and started singing. Even though she can only say mom, daddy, and all done, she is one smart little girl. She can even pick David's pocket. A habit the we are trying to get her out of and completely do not condone. It looks as if things might be looking up for us. We have no definite details yet, but I will try to keep this updated. Hope everyone else is having a great summer!

I don't want to take my nap...can I have the camera?

Monday, July 26, 2010

Trip to Oklahoma

I did not take any pictures on the trip because I forgot the camera. We had a good time visiting Grammie. Plans changed several times. David and I were going to go to the temple Saturday, but I was sick. My mom was also not feeling well. Sunday we did not make it to church because I still was not feeling that great. We did get to see my sister Alicia, little Cami, Tad, and Tad's dad Reggie or GiGi for short. We also were able to see some family friends-the Barham's. Ana was not too sure about them when they first got there. She finally warmed up a little bit. We also saw my friend Christian and I got to see the latest on the wedding plans. Ana didn't have any problem with her-I really think it was her jewelry. Going back to where I am from is fun and nostalgic, but I like my bed better any day. Wherever that may happen to be. I will post a few pictures soon.